Politics Global is owned by News Hub Group Ltd. Company number: 14590599. Looking for Politics UK?

Politics Global was launched in late April 2024, following the successful model of Politics UK, which began under a revised format in January 2023. Managed by a group of student admins from around the world, our aim is to engage young people with global politics through impartial, quick, and engaging news aggregation. 

Editorial output

Our editorial output is managed by a group of admins who work together on a volunteer basis. We curate tweets from journalists, assess their newsworthiness, and draft a short summary for fellow admins. This process allows other admins to provide feedback on potential impartiality breaches, ensuring that the editorial output is a collaborative effort rather than the product of a single individual. This approach helps to identify and minimise any unconscious bias in the content shared. Note: breaking news may skip this standard owing to immediacy.

The account is committed to using a variety of sources in our reporting. We have implemented an automatic monitoring system that records and tracks news sources which are shared on the account to ensure that we don’t rely too heavily on publications that are politically biased. This allows us to maintain a diverse range of sources for our editorial output.

Our team